Date of Event: 2/10/2019
Canyon involved: Little Santa Anita
Region: San Gabriel Mountains, California
Country: United States
Submitted by: Hank Moon
Source: Conversation with Eddy
Injury: Damaged toes
Cause: Toboggan error
Description of Event: Eddy was part of a group of 4 doing the canyon. He is an experienced canyoneer and enjoys practicing shallow-water jumping. Success in this involves adopting a supine-ish body position when hitting the surface of the water. While assessing a 6 foot drop into a 2.5 foot deep pool, Eddy decided it would be more interesting to slide into the pool, rather than jump. He went 6 foot or so upstream, sat down in the water flow, and started to slide. At the lip of the drop, his butt encountered a rough patch of granite, which slowed him abruptly and tipped him forward so that he hit the water feet first, instead instead of butt / back first.
Eddy’s footwear consisted of neoprene booties worn under Teva sandals. His left foot jammed hard between two rocks on the pool bottom. His feet were somewhat numb from the cold water, so the pain was blunted. He got up and found he could walk, and gave his pack to a buddy to lighten the load. Eddy continued the hike, still doing jumps, and completed the canyon. Back at the car, he peeled off the left booty; the pinky toe and its neighbor were bright purple and pointing the wrong way – toward the instep. The next morning, the two toes were very swollen but back in proper alignment. Crutches and cane were used for a few days; still limping after 2 weeks. Chiropractor exam results: a toe fracture may have occurred; taping and rest the only treatment needed.
Analysis: Eddy assumed that he would have better control over his body position. Canyoneers are reminded that jumps and slides must be scouted first.