Date of Event: 2/12/2012
Canyon involved: Rubio
Region: San Gabriel Mountains (CA)
Country: United States
Submitted by: Sarah Perlotto
Source: Bogley
Injury: Abrasion or Laceration
Cause: Rappel error
Description of Event: A canyoneer was descending Thalehaha Falls in Rubio Canyon during wet conditions. He slipped on the slick granite while on rappel and let go of the rope. He was using an auto-block which was incorrectly rigged, and thus failed to catch him. He sustained an approximate 60 foot fall down the falls though he did not suffer from any serious injuries. Per his partner, “It was miraculous that he walked away with nothing but deep bruises. Credit the shallow pool, slight slope of the face, landing on his butt, and the redirection the auto-block created which contributed some friction.”
Analysis: When using an auto-block, it is crucial to evaluate canyon conditions for appropriateness and properly rig the device. A bottom belay should be offered for beginner canyoneers whenever possible. Though it is a challenge to think quickly and rationally in an emergency, practicing rope skills can help prepare canyoneers for tough situations.